Our Stories Part 1



Part 1

Timeline of Community Activities at the

Deans Marsh

Hall and Oval

1870s – 1890s

This Timeline was prepared in 2019-2020 for the Deans Marsh Towns Stories Small Grant project to discover the range of activities and events held at the Deans Marsh Hall and Oval.


The name Dean’s Marsh – originally with an apostrophe – is very old in settler Australian terms. It was first used as the name of large pastoral lease in what was then called the Port Phillip District of NSW in the early 1840s, nearly 160 years ago. But it was not until the 1870s that a settlement – a township – a village – called Deans Marsh began to form about three kilometres towards Winchelsea from where it is now is.

Deans Marsh has often been ‘on the move’, our town, our schools, our playing fields and our community hall have all been relocated by our community members.

Well before 1886 – 1887, when plans for a community hall were initiated by community members and building begun, organised sport was already being played in Deans Marsh. Keep reading…

This research was conducted by Deb Campbell during 2019 and 2020 and she hopes, and we all agree, that it will remain an ongoing project.

So if you have ideas, photos or information to add please contact her on 0410 692 665 or [email protected] 

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