Our Stories Part 6



Part 6

“Deans Marsh Community Cottage to open its doors”


MOVING: Community Cottage chairperson Karen Rayner and co-ordinator Baiba Lowther are looking forward to moving in to the new centre after a year of working in “a container out the back” of the hall.

The Colac Herald 22 November 2000

Into the 1990s

Part 6 of Deans Marsh Community Stories, covers the 1990s, when the Community Cottage moved into a container, the Surf Coast Shire Council is created and Council begins to play a more active role in Deans Marsh, the Gymkhana becomes the Pioneer Festival, the Hall Curtain is re-imagined and the Hall gets an extensive extension.  Keep Reading…

This research was conducted by Deb Campbell during 2019 and 2020 and she hopes, and we all agree, that it will remain an ongoing project.

So if you have ideas, photos or information to add please contact her on 0410 692 665 or [email protected] 

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