Our Stories Part 8



Part 8

The Deans Marsh

Community Speaks


In a surprising turn of events, Mantle Mining chief executive Ian Kraemer told the crowd in the packed Deans Marsh Hall that he would withdraw the application if a show of hands revealed there wasn’t support for it. “I’m overwhelmed by the opposition and I have taken it on board and I will talk to my board and if a raise of hands shows me you’re against it, I’ll walk away“, My Kraemer told residents.

Community Plans

Part 8 of Deans Marsh Community Stories details the creation and building of our OMM community choir, a new Deans Marsh attitude to coal mining and fracking, the lobbying of Telstra for access to ADSL technology, and the beginning of our efforts to develop a comprehensive community plan for our district.

The Deans Marsh community planning process which became MaDCAP was initiated by us in response to the SCSC Rural Hinterland Strategy. Keep Reading…

This research was conducted by Deb Campbell during 2019 and 2020 and she hopes, and we all agree, that it will remain an ongoing project.

So if you have ideas, photos or information to add please contact her on 0410 692 665 or [email protected] 

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